My dev blog

My thought on software dev

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My dev blog - My reflections and insights on the journey of software development.

My bitbucket repos - Listing some projects I developed.

My github repos - Some other projects on github.

This page give some introduction about some of my Python, Django, React, Docker, C#/.Net, Postgres, Selenium, MySql, PHP … projects that I have done.

Sample Groceries shopping app

This app show casing Python/Django, React, MySql and Selenium app development.

Groceries Shopping web app (React/ES6)

This sample React app will retrieve and display list of Groceries products collected from popular groceries sites like Nofrills, Al Premium, Loblaws …

Repo: React app

Groceries App

Groceries Shopping API server (Django/Python)

The API backend developed using Django for Groceries Shopping app.

Repo: API back end

Groceries Shopping products collector (Selenium/Python)

The product collecting tool developed using Selenium/Python which collect products for the application.

Repo: Product collector